PureComms is an Award Winning Telecommunications Provider of cutting edge telecoms and IT products and services, supplying a range of small, medium and large businesses across the UK.
At PureComms we are dedicated to providing bespoke services that are built around your business and offer long-term value.
In an ever increasingly connected world we understand that telecoms services aren't a 9-5 operation and that today businesses cannot afford to experience downtime.
Therefore, our experienced account managers are available 24/7.
It is ensured that our clients do not have to engage with third parties - PureComms will solve any issues on your behalf, leaving you to focus on business.
These partners, alongside significant investment in research and development, enable us to provide a range of high quality services that optimise efficiency.
Low-cost suppliers are unable to offer the level of support that businesses need and their clients often experience frequent downtime because of budget services that aren’t up to the job.
His vision was simple: to set up a telecoms business built around the client that offered world-class service and state-of-the-art technology.
This approach goes against the grain of an industry climate that is seeing more and more Telecoms companies cut prices just to win contracts, with no aftercare service available to clients who may experience faults and issues.