SaveTrees lets you set up a timesheet portal for your recruitment agency in minutes.
Clients and contractors understand how to use it instantly and it’s branded to look like it’s your own.
Built with speed, ease of use and efficiency in mind, clients and contractors can submit and authorise timesheets remotely and quickly.
You as the recruiter, can setup a contractor and line manager in seconds and view in real time, the status of all of your timesheets.
Within minutes you can be up and running, branded and sending out invites to your clients and temps
Industry leading branding gives you the ability to brand the login pages, dashboard, emails and PDF's
By taking your timesheets online, you're not only saving trees from being cut down but with SaveTrees, you'll be helping to plant more.
From November 2020, we have been planting a tree for every active agency on our books for every month they have been with us and the more contractors that are submitting timesheets, the more trees get planted.
SaveTrees is a frictionless timesheet software made specifically for recruitment agencies.
Using our intuitive web-based software, your agency can save time and money through a reduction in administration costs, mistakes and fraud as well as the general hassle involved with using other systems, email and paper-based timesheets.
View a timeline of what is said and done by anyone associated with a timesheet with Time/Date and IP stamps.
Personalise the log in page, dashboard and emails with your agency logos and brand colours to seamlessly join the system to your front end website.
Set an automated email to go to your payroll or finance department so that every time a timesheet is accepted, they will instantly receive a PDF for processing.
Run more than one agency or have an agency with mutiple brands? No problem, control them all from within one dashboard and give them each their own look and feel.
What if your contractors’ line manager is on holiday and can’t sign off a timesheet? No problem, add a second, third or how ever many you want.