Your company takes data-supported decisions in most areas.
But what about HR decision making?
You no longer need to take HR decisions blindly, based on intuition and gut feeling.
Bryq provides data support, based on proven I/O Psychology, for all your HR decision making – in hiring, growing and retaining talent.
Don’t try to effectively run a modern business based on antiquated practices.
Embrace the Future of Work today, and give your company the competitive advantage it needs.
Bryq is an AI talent intelligence platform that enables companies to acquire, develop, analyze and match talent through science, psychology and objectivity.
Cognitive skills, Personality Traits, Validity, Reliability, The Holland Codes, OCEAN and the Big 5 – these are all things that Bryq deals with so that you do not have to.
Hint: it’s not what they did in their last role.
Research shows that past work experience isn’t a great predictor of future performance. Yet hiring managers still rely on resumes.
We developed Bryq Talent Intelligence based on psychometrics and trusted science in order to provide deeper insight into the inner-workings of your candidates – allowing you to make objective decisions based on how well somebody would fit into any given role.
To get reliable results, you need reliable inputs.
Our own assessment has been built from the ground up to provide a great candidate experience – while collecting reliable data that has been proven to be a great predictor of performance.
We never think in absolutes – this is why there are no pass or fail grades.
We do look at cognitive skills and personality as a continuum – and we help map each person to requirements to understand their fit for a specific role.
Bryq is based on established theories of Industrial / Organizational Psychology that have been thoroughly vetted, verified, and tested over time.
We know how we measure, but we also know why these are valid and accurate predictors for job performance.
Bryq uses a precise combination of the 16 Personality Factors, Holland Codes (RIASEC) and the Big 5 “OCEAN” Personality Traits in order to pinpoint the exact talent you’re looking for.