Unemployment simply shouldn't exist. With a workforce of skilled workers and a labour market of open jobs, it should be a case of making intelligent matches between the two. But that's not happening.
Recruitment is a broken and inefficient system; it's expensive, time-consuming and often unreliable, with underemployment being a key issue. In the face of COVID-19, recruitment has never been more urgent as unemployment is now soaring. Employers are desperately looking to reduce overheads. Something has to change.
At Fielder, we’re spearheading that change.
We’ve created a platform with the speed and convenience of a gig site but the quality and skill of certified workers. This platform simultaneously delivers outstanding value for employers by managing their onboarding, scheduling and payments all in one place. In order to further build a community, we give our workers the opportunity to grow and prosper through targeted upskilling, with a holistic view of skills and jobs.
Fielder represents a radical change to the recruitment current business model, with the possibility of vastly reduced recruiting costs for employers of up to 60%. This will drive take-up and help us to build a better, brighter future for the employment landscape.
We stand for our workforce - and our employers who are being charged too much. A new, equitable vision for the future of recruitment. Dependable workers improving their skills and choosing between great short-term jobs at the click of a button. The dignity of a job well done.