FullFibre Limited along with infrastructure investment fund Basalt Infrastructure Partners III are currently building a wholesale fibre-only network to at least 500,000 premises by 2025.
The business focuses on ‘forgotten’ market towns and areas, initially in the West Midlands, Central and South West, that might otherwise be left behind by the national FTTP rollout.
Our Wholesale Only, Fibre Only approach provides a future proofed, competitive marketplace to both ISPs and consumers, that is key to unlocking the technology-lead, flexible working economy.
As we invest millions of pounds into these market towns, our new fibre infrastructure will help to revitalise businesses, drive economic growth and unlock social mobility where traditional copper services have frustrated progress.
Everything we do is focused on trying to ensure the best experience for our partners, and to facilitate them to offer great services to end users.
As well as directly reducing costs, our innovative networks fuel social mobility, foster inclusion and provide a backbone to attract and grow enterprise.
Working with property developers we install gigabit capable fibre optic networks, and build a model offering them a long-term revenue source.
We are investing heavily in small and medium sized towns across the UK which are not included in other suppliers’ full fibre upgrades.
We target locations that are being overlooked by other commercial providers and work hand in hand with local authorities to accelerate the provision of full fibre access to a whole area.
Providing choice to end-users and creating a competitive marketplace are two things we’re passionate about, as this promotes innovation, better customer service and ultimately, better value for money.
At FullFibre, we want to stand out and generate intrigue.
We want to encourage businesses and residents to go online to find out more information and order from our ISPs.
Our build towns are carefully selected; we don’t focus on easy wins.
Increasing the quality of existing infrastructure maximises reward for both residential connection quality and increases the number of revenue-generating build areas for partners.
We operate on a wholesale-only model allowing for healthy competition amongst our partners.
By giving the end-user an abundance of choice, it ensures that our partners provide the highest level of service.