The Recruitment & Employment Confederation is the voice of the recruitment industry, speaking up for great recruiters.
We drive standards and empower UK recruitment businesses to build better futures for their candidates and themselves.
We are champions of an industry which is fundamental to the strength of the UK economy.
Our campaigns team build relationships across government, positioning REC members as a business voice that holds vital intelligence to inform policy changes.
We provide opportunities for members to come together to form an industry consensus, and we campaign with the aim of nurturing and empowering the recruitment industry.
We are the only recruitment industry body that has real influence across government.
REC members are recognised for their professionalism and the value they provide to clients and candidates.
If a recruitment agency displays the REC logo, it's a sign of quality.
It demonstrates that they have passed our Compliance Test and adhere to our Code of Professional Practice.
We work with recruiters and employers across the UK.
Our team includes legal, compliance, policy, qualification and account management experts who have specific experience working with recruiters to help their businesses thrive.