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Work In Startups is exactly what our community needs.
Finding startup talent is the most difficult and important challenge that a young company faces.
Work In Startups is doing a great job and has sent some excellent candidates our way.
Work In Startups has been the best platform to hire the sort of candidates we need as a high growth start up.
We’ve had some great candidates who have really helped grow the business.
WorkInStartups is the perfect meeting point between startups and talented, creative candidates.
The startup environment is a very dynamic and complex one, and building the right team is essential for a startup's success.
This is where we come in: we bring you the best candidates, as we plan to become the place to go for jobs in startup.
Launched in the summer of 2011, the site became popular instantly, many startups having found awesome team members through our site.
We continued to grow ever since, so join us to become part of the best startups community.
Why are we doing this? We truly believe that startups will bring major changes to the world as some of the business ideas out there are incredibly ingenious and plan to solve real problems, no matter the area the startup is functioning in.
We love startups and we want to help the community develop and attract the best people out there to find awesome jobs and bring their own contribution.