As a recruitment business owner, you know that cash flow is king. Without it, your business can’t survive. One of the most important factors that affect your cash flow is payment terms. Payment terms refer to the length of time you give your clients to pay their invoices. It’s important to set payment terms that are fair to both you and your clients, and to enforce them consistently.

They help you plan your cash flow

When you have clear payment terms in place, you can plan your cash flow more effectively. You know when you can expect to receive payments, and you can plan your expenses accordingly. This helps you avoid cash flow problems and ensures that you have enough money to cover your costs.

They improve your cash flow

When you have shorter payment terms, you can improve your cash flow. If you’re currently giving your clients 60 days to pay their invoices, for example, you could switch to 30 days and see a significant improvement in your cash flow. This means you’ll have more money available to invest in your business, pay your staff, and grow your company.

They reduce the risk of bad debt

When you have longer payment terms, you increase the risk of bad debt. Bad debt is when a client doesn’t pay their invoice, and you’re left with a loss. By setting shorter payment terms, you reduce the risk of bad debt and ensure that you get paid for the work you’ve done.

They help you build better relationships with your clients

When you have clear payment terms in place, you can build better relationships with your clients. They know what to expect, and they appreciate your professionalism. This can lead to repeat business and referrals, which can help you grow your business.